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Course Fee: 1000 Monthly

DOEACC `O` Level Course is a foundation Course of DOEACC Society in the field of Information Technology. `O` level certification course has been designed to enable the students to acquire the knowledge pertaining to fundamentals of Information Technology (IT Tools and Business Systems, Internet Technology and Web design, Programming and Problem Solving through `C` Language, and many more. Students will be eligible for many government exams where O level course is a must requirement.

M1-R5           Information Technology Tool and Network

M2-R5           Web Designing & Publishing

M3-R5           Programming and Problem Solving Through Python

M4-R5           Internet of Things and its Applications

M5-R5           Practical Based on M1-R5, M2-R5, M3-R5 And M3-R5

M6-R5           Project